Friday, May 24, 2019

tour to.....

kaytwit: Norge 2017: I can't believe it has been over a year and a half since our odyssey to Norway.  In honor of the upcoming Syttende Mai  holiday, I figu...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

po klevais: Verbų sekmadienis

po klevais: Verbų sekmadienis: Ir kas galėjo pagalvoti, kad pačioj kovo pabaigoj, po pavasario lygiadienio, vyrai statys... sniego namelį. Vos pora valandų namie nebuvau, ...

Saturday, May 18, 2019



At last I reached in our garden and I had first real wave of festiveness, I went for a lovely walk around our orchid garden with mom and niece. The nip in the air and cotton picking on the farm is almost complete and entirely bare cotton sticks made me realize that summer is on its way out and that winter is on its way in. as we walked the muddy ber trees along the footpath I did something really festive, I discovered a very beautiful branch for Christmas tree on the mango tree in our orchid garden, I call in the gardener and asked to cut it down for me. Now I am curious to go home very soon so that I can make arrangements to install my Christmas tree (a big mango tree branch), any how I am now feeling rather festive!
I would take some photos to add a little interest to my post but my camera is poorly….But Jesus is well aware of this and hopes that he takes heed!!
On the way for the village trip I asked my son not to make mess when I will ask him for a photo shoot in our village or on the farm with his phone camera. But for every photo…….he shirked….it’s very sunny nothing is visible….this or that……and the only photos are …..of the wretched remains of farm house, mango tree on the footpath, some ber orchids this ruined charkha, cotton buds spread on the ground in sun


Monday, May 13, 2019

Sweater inspiration.

i will try to make this one for my daughter.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019