Friday, October 25, 2019

QUOTE Jane Austen

In nine cases out of ten a woman had better show more affection than she

Jane Austen 

Monday, October 21, 2019

I actually did some sewing, Quote Alexander the Great

My sewing machine has been languishing in a corner for months now, so I let it come out and sew  a bit again. Poor fellow, it thought I had forgotten all about its existence. I have   my leftover recycled material that I utilized last month.
I didn’t make a lot this time, haven’t had much patience for sewing for a while. I always seem to lack something; like right size of machine needles, like sippers, sometimes Velcro…oh, no matching threads. So many little things to keep around just in case.
This time this draw string bag from lining of the skirt is great. It keeps the new bag safe,I recently baught from Dilli Haat  which is my top priority …this time…every new bag kicked at the corners and worn out is the most annoying thing ever when it makes the bag look shabby –poor enough to carry around, too ……early  to sort out and desert …..too cumbersome to remold it…
This time it will protect my bag …I bought it from  Dilli Haat in Delhi….not costly …but cute one..

Heaven cannot brook two sons, nor earth two masters
Alexander the Great

Monday, October 14, 2019


i enjoy taking photos with my iphone 

it was 6.44 AM

front park in 6/17 2012

Saturday, October 12, 2019

its dinning time .

My dining area is in front of my island kitchen

all the above photos are of 10/25/2011 in 1.04 noon 

Friday, October 11, 2019

QUOTE Brendan Behan

Never throw stones at your mother,
You’ll be sorry for it when she’s dead,
Never throw stones at your mother,
Throw bricks at your father instead
Brendan Behan

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


 i love these nails instead of adhesive nails available these days....



Global warming is talk of the show these days. Some channel broadcast about it like soon we will nowhere……………everything will extinguish in minutes……..when time comes be. what most concerns me about the idea of 'global' warming is how is it being used to manipulate masses of individuals politically based on fear of something that may possibly happen.

And we are told we should have no choice but to believe its preaching in its entirety.

There may be a grain of truth at its center.

However, being in the lifelong habit of looking and thinking for myself I can be called a skeptical atheist when it comes to the religion of global warming.

And yet other side of me…..

Being a Home Science student it was 40 years ago I learned a few very important house keeping (home management) principles; one of these was that:

Little bits of time consistently spent doing things add up to getting a lot done.

For example if I had even a few minutes to use before needing to leave the house I could use those to DO SOMETHING.. pick up and put away, clean a small area, wipe the dust of tables, chairs and sofa, take care of a load of laundry, empty the trash, water house plants or feed the goldfish.

How to……..

How to make things rusty - The juxtaposition of rust...

I found a recipe to create here we go..

Gather objects to rust - a variety to see what works is the link……………


Friday, August 9, 2019

August, 9 its monsoon here in my city

. I was busy with the business of the day to day, the doing of this and of that — things that seemed all very important at the time, and afterwards had a nap . Then, at about 1’o clock  I woke up and it looked that it wasn’t monsoon anymore. No dought,a chill in the air, slight but tangible; the skies clear with white floating clouds. There was furious wind furling our front tree. I don’t kniow from where the dust came it was fine snd on the floor of the house really very fine sand.  That stormy wind  we have here in Hisar, swirling  the city in a unrest of sorts


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

my daughter

My daughter with her colleagues at sahity academy,N Delhi. 


Thursday, July 25, 2019

recycled plant pot, a quote

i recycled ,reused the water pitcher of terra-cota for plant.

If you are in need of a plant pot ,you can make it yourself and customize, I have got a simple idea y for you! Just pick a n old pitcher that you had stored ( in Indian homes old pitchers stored on roof is a common feature, they use new pitchers in the summer and after one summer use they put them on the roof)  and cut its neck part with iron saw and paint it with the colour of your choice. This is your customized plant pot. Ready to be housed!


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Saturday, July 6, 2019

My cuty Rehana



Saturday, June 8, 2019


mom 10/26 /2011 watching Ramdev's pravachan

Friday, June 7, 2019

I love all the jars lined up with ingredients!

"The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it"   ~ Carl Jung

I have open shelves in my kitchen

Monday, June 3, 2019

हनुमान जी की इस चालीसा, NGO' for environmental protection,

Searching on the Internet and Facebook, following the media organizations that have signed press releases or open letters, we selected 10 of the most active organizations in the country.

Regardless of the niche in which they are active in everything from environmental protection, to ecology, to recycling or animal protection, we have sought to identify those online organizations.

We wanted to identify those organizations that are active in the long run, not just in temporary projects.

If you want to get involved, be a volunteer day or use your knowledge to help such an NGO in different projects or demarches, here you can start.

You can be volunteer and only once for a single greening campaign, which does not require a long-term commitment.

There are many ways you can help protect the environment, just want to help with something, little or no, it does not matter .

The order we set depends on the number of facebooks like Facebook.

To our surprise, 1st place is not occupied by Greenpeace Romania or WWF Romania, but by Agent Green Association.

AGENT GREEN Association  - 157,000 likes
Environment Agency Agent Green Facebook Cover Page

The environmental organization in Romania with the highest number of likes on the Facebook page. They focus on investigating "environmental crimes, their strategic exposure and promoting solutions."

They also have an active site with many projects and initiatives that also includes a donation or redirect 2% of their income.

WWF Romania  - 117,352 likes
Environmental organization WWF Romania Facebook Cover Page Photo

The largest organization fighting for animal protection and preservation of protected areas. An extremely active organization, both online and offline.

On their website or on the Facebook page, find new information daily in various forms: studies, reports, pictures, movies and so on.

Let's Do It Romania -  88,841 likes
The Environment Organization Lets Do It Romania Facebook Cover Photo

Our favorite environmental organization. Perhaps it is the most powerful environmental organization established in our country.

With the greatest number of volunteers involved, Let's Do It Romania is able to organize greening and green space redevelopments with the greatest impact.

The largest volunteer action by Romania took place on September 25, 2010, when Let's Do It organized the Day of Cleanliness.

Very active in all environments, including a smart application for reporting areas where inappropriate waste is stored.

Let's Do It Romania seeks to identify the areas in the city or the nature in which waste is stored inappropriately using reports transmitted through a SMART application.

I have written an article about the applications available in the field, where you can find more details about Let's Do It Romania or others .

Greenpeace Romania  - 87,349 likes
Green Peace Romania Organisation Facebook Cover Photo

Thanks to a consolidated budget that is available to it as part of the Greenpeace organization worldwide, the organization in Romania is keen to be active both online and offline.

In addition to promoting responsible environmental responsibility, Greenpeace Romania is recognized for less common initiatives, but a positive end result.

Not once, I have heard with all the news how Greenpeace Romania members have tried blocking government projects explaining the potential impact they can have.

Associated with MaiMultVerde  - 56,891 likes
environmental organization MaimultVerde Facebook Cover Photo

The MaiMultVedere Association focuses on cleanliness, planting, reinvesting, cycling, and ecological education programs.

Although they have a new site on which you find a number of informative materials and other resources, the association team seems to be more active on facebook, posting every day.

Foundation Better Iasi  - 9,210 likes
environmental organization Better Facebook Cover Photo

Active, they have a modern and attractive website with guides and many other relevant publications. They have an absolutely superb blog, looks like a great newspaper. Congratulations!

The blog is written from time to time, but unfortunately not with clear periodicity.

Kogayon Association  - 8,941 likes
environmental association Kogayon Facebook Cover Photo

The Koyagon Association is a local NGO that focuses on environmental protection actions at local level in the Oltenia area.

The team is recognized to be involved in the management of "protected natural areas, biodiversity and geodiversity conservation, ecotourism, ecological education, public awareness and awareness, sustainable development and research."

The site seems to be left out, but instead their Facebook page provides relevant daily information.

Tera Mileniul III Foundation  - 4,622 likes
Environmental Foundation Terra Mileniul III Facebook Cover Photo

TERRA Mileniul III promotes sustainable development programs at national and international level in the field of energy, trans

Friday, May 24, 2019

tour to.....

kaytwit: Norge 2017: I can't believe it has been over a year and a half since our odyssey to Norway.  In honor of the upcoming Syttende Mai  holiday, I figu...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

po klevais: Verbų sekmadienis

po klevais: Verbų sekmadienis: Ir kas galėjo pagalvoti, kad pačioj kovo pabaigoj, po pavasario lygiadienio, vyrai statys... sniego namelį. Vos pora valandų namie nebuvau, ...

Saturday, May 18, 2019



At last I reached in our garden and I had first real wave of festiveness, I went for a lovely walk around our orchid garden with mom and niece. The nip in the air and cotton picking on the farm is almost complete and entirely bare cotton sticks made me realize that summer is on its way out and that winter is on its way in. as we walked the muddy ber trees along the footpath I did something really festive, I discovered a very beautiful branch for Christmas tree on the mango tree in our orchid garden, I call in the gardener and asked to cut it down for me. Now I am curious to go home very soon so that I can make arrangements to install my Christmas tree (a big mango tree branch), any how I am now feeling rather festive!
I would take some photos to add a little interest to my post but my camera is poorly….But Jesus is well aware of this and hopes that he takes heed!!
On the way for the village trip I asked my son not to make mess when I will ask him for a photo shoot in our village or on the farm with his phone camera. But for every photo…….he shirked….it’s very sunny nothing is visible….this or that……and the only photos are …..of the wretched remains of farm house, mango tree on the footpath, some ber orchids this ruined charkha, cotton buds spread on the ground in sun


Monday, May 13, 2019

Sweater inspiration.

i will try to make this one for my daughter.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019