Friday, July 12, 2013

Malala's Day out - The Hindu, Malala Award

Razia sultan

  Razia Sultana, a teenager from a village in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut, was awarded the United Nations' Special Envoy for Global Education's Youth Courage Award for Education on Friday. The award is in recognition of her efforts to help liberate 48 children from child labour bondage and motivate them to go to school. On Friday, the world learnt about Razia's struggle and courage as she recounted her tale to youth delegates from across the world in New York.

The day, too, has a special significance — it is observed by the UN as Malala Day to highlight and emulate Pakistani child activist Malala Yousafzai's fight for education. Malala turned 16 on Friday.

Razia, named after India's first woman ruler, too, has been fighting an uphill battle at her Nanglakhumba village in Meerut. School education for this class XII student would have remained a distant dream since she had begun working to help her family when she was only

Malala's Day out - The Hindu    

Thursday, July 11, 2013

my daughter's poem

 आज Fahmida_Riaz जी ने अपनी वाल पर मेरी बेटी की कविता "तुम्हारा चेहरा मदर लगाई..मेरे लिए फख्र की बात है...
Fahmida Riaz
Vipin Choudhary
तुम्हारा चेहरा मदर – विपिन चौधरी
एक अदृश्य आकृति के मस्तक पर अपनी कामनाओं, सपनों और अरमानों का सेहरा बाँधा
बदले में उसने हमें एक मूर्ति नवाजी
जिसका चेहरा जीवन, उम्मीद, ममता,स्नेह, करूणा से लबरेज़ था
दूरी को बींधने वाली उसकी दो आँखे, सीने पर बंधे कोमल-स्नेहिल दो हाथ
और नीली किनारी वाली सफेद साड़ी पहिने इस मूर्ति को देख हम अभिभूत हो गये
फिर एक प्रदर्शनी मे जब रघु राय की श्वेत-श्याम तस्वीर में वही अक्स दुबारा देखा तो
काले-सफेद रंग के खूबसूरत तिलिस्म पर हमें पक्का यकीन हो गया
वह चेहरा उस 'मदर टेरेसा' का था
जिसके बारे में सुनते आये थे कि
बेजान चीजें उनके करीब आकर धड़कना सीख जाती हैं
बाद में मदर की यह करामात हमने अपनी खुली आँखों से देखी
एक, दो बार नहीं
हज़ारों- हज़ार बार
अपने घर-परिवार को ताउम्र ना देख पाने
का दुख मदर को
कैसे साल सकता था
जबकि उन्हे हर चेहरे पर सिमटी दुखयारी लकीरों को खारिज कर देने का हुनर बखूबी आता था
वे कोसावो में जन्मी थी
पर उनके पांवों ने समूची धरती पर धमक दी
उनके होने की आवाज़ हरेक कानों ने सुनी
उनकी बाँहें सारी धरती को समेटने के लिये आगे बढीं
और समूचा संसार बिना ना-नुकर उनकी झोली में सिमट गया
यह केवल तुम्हारे ही बस का मामला रहा माँ..... टेरेसा
दुनिया-भर के किनारे पर धकेले हुये प्राणी
तुम्हारे निकट अपनी
शरण-स्थली बनाते रहे
रात-दिन, रिश्ते-नातों, दूरी-नज़दीकियों के इसी दुनियावी वर्णमाला के बीच ही तो था
वह सब
जिसे खोजने हम लोग दर-बदर भटकते रहे
और 'उसी सब' को अपनी ऊष्मा के बूते तुमने अपनी हथेलियों में कैद कर लिया
धरा की सखी-सहेली बन
जीवन के उच्च आदर्शों को सींच-सींच कर तुमने लोगों के मन को तृप्त किया
और धीरे से कहा 'शांति'
तब सारी रुग्ण व्यवस्थायें पल भर में शांत हो गईं
पाणिग्रही समय ने हमें अपने बारे में कुछ नहीं बताया
पर तुम तो सच-सच बताना मदर
मानवीयता के सबसे ऊँचें पायदान पर खड़े होकर
जब कभी तुमने सहसा निचे झाँका तो
क्या हम
अपने-अपने स्वार्थों की धूरी पर घूमते बजरबट्टू से ज्यादा कुछ नज़र आये?
सीने में जमी हुई हमारी दुआएं
भाप की तरह उठती और बिना छाप छोड़े वायु में विलीन हो जाती रही
तुम्हारी दुआओं ने अपने विशाल पँख खोले
और हर टहनी पर कई घोंसले बनाये
मूर्तियों के नज़दीक अपनी नाक रगड़ने वाले हम
किसी इंसान को आसानी से नहीं पूजते
पर इस बार हमने, तुंम्हें जी भर कर पूजा
और इसी कारण हमारे फफूँदी लगे विचार सफ़ेद रूई मे तब्दील होते चले गये
महज अठारह साल की उम्र में तुम
मानवीयता के प्रेम में गिरफ्तार हो गईं
हम दुनियादारों को प्रेम की परिभाषा खोजने में जुगत लगानी पड़ी
उसी धुंधलके में एक बार फिर याद आया
केवल तुम्हारा ही चेहरा मदर.
Happy writting!

आज जब मिसेज जुनेजा अपने बेटे की शादी का

आज जब मिसेज जुनेजा अपने बेटे की शादी का ......

Monday, July 8, 2013

1830's purse

my my next to do purse

Friday, July 5, 2013

आज की सुबह

सूर्य नमस्कार की बारह स्थितियाँ

अज सुबह जब उठी तब सर में बड़ा दर्द हो रहा था यथ कर मैंने सर में तेल लगाया और फिर बहुत देर तक हाथ पैरों  में  एक्यूप्रेशर किया और साथ ही हरि का उच्चारण करती रही और फिर हल्का गर्म पानी पी कर बाल कृष्ण जी महाराज (पतंजली विद्यापीठ के) द्वारा आस्था आस्था चै नल  पर बताई गई बताई १० excersize  की ताकि पेट साफ़ हो जाय एक बार आस्था चै नल पर मैंने यह excersize  देखी थी तब से ही इन्हें करती हूँ बहुत कारगर हैं फिर थोड़ा  त्राटक  किया और फिर टीवी चलाया तब रामदेवजी महाराज  सूर्यनमस्कार  बता रहे थे मुझे  सूर्यनमस्कार करना बहुत मुश्किल लगता है. बेटी को बड़ी अच्छी तरह करना आता है...फिर मैं सैर करने निकल गई 

 सूर्य नमस्कार के बारह मंत्र

 the doily on this page is on my todo list



yammi roties

Yammi ……….Roties

Food  is the art of many cultures.So if globalization of food causes to losing the authenticity of food than will my generation next ever get to taste the actual food of their own land? What bothers me is from Mc Donald’s to subway to dinner every alternate days and no knowledge about what cooking was prevailed in our own land  “mere khet  ki maati ke anaaz ki roti”?Rotti is the staff of life-who knows it better than the people of our country? Every region in India has its own rendition of the roti. It evolved with the geographic location…..the change is usually dependent upon the type of crops grown locally. Let’s take a look at the various types of Indian roties; let’s talk about their taste and their nutritive values!
Talking of diets one day, a friend said she could give up anything but roti. I said, No, the other stuff was more fun. But she said Think about it: would you enjoy alu gosht without it? Or gobi matar? Or dal? And she was right: there are days when I try to cut down the number of rotis in my lunch and the meal becomes boring. However delicious the daal sabzi, they're incomplete. How does one describe the taste of a roti? It's not salty or sweet or anything; it's a wrapper, a foil, a base for other tastes. The roties described here surely sandwiched the smell of their own just make and enjoy!
When I guess back on your cereals and grains….what is the one grain that sticks out? If I guessed wheat or rice, then you love me and that means I am a loyal person for you. But in all seriousness, yes you people eat the same types of cereals/grains, roti/rice everyday. And this may be very neurotic but I make sure to eat rotties of different grains with at least lunch or dinner (or both!) each day….why you may ask? Well I hope this isn’t too difficult, and you will see, it gets things moving. Whenever any of my close one complain to me about their health or……any food related issues, I always say, eat roties of different grains each day. I kid you not, it works. And when one of the customers for wheat flour at our local grain shop wonders why I buy 7 sac packages of different grains at a time and asks how many milch cattle’s have you?  I just smile and let him think that

yes, we are five family members that is why I just bought out  whole stock of grains in the shop, and to save him from knowing my trick of healthy grains.
Lets talk about Some less popular and cotemporary(multigrain) ROTI WITH some of the  grain separately then celebrate the fare……
When I was a child bajra was a staple. And grown organically in our rain fed farm. They used to make sour rabri for breakfast, and often took the lead in a meal. My bagri  grandma knew a bajra trick or two. But it wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I got perfection in making bajra roties.
For bajra roti hot water is used to knead flour using press and fold method.
Bajra roti contains iron, phytochemicals that lower cholestoral falate, magnesium copper, zinc, and vitamins E and B packs an additional punch since it contains all 13 essential aminoacids. Bajra is good for bones and has higher energy content then other flours. It is rich in calcium and unsaturated fats which are good for the body. It’s good to eat bajra roti in the winter. .Bajra is good for bones and has higher energy content than other flours. It is also rich in calcium and unsaturated fats which are good for the body. Bajra roties are ideal for Anaemics.
Sorghum is rich in potassium and phosphorus and also has good amount of calcium with small amounts of iron and sodium. It maintains the health of heart, controls arthritis and body weight..
Sorgham roti   is somewhat difficult to role, instead of rolling pin, hands are used to shape the sorghum dough into a round, flat, thin circle. Because sorghum flour is gluten-free flour, it’s very tough to spread the dough without breaking the shape, and one really needs hands-on experience and many failed attempts to get the skill.
Making a prefect sorghum roti is a skill that I wanted to master with all my heart. For me, it is not just a recipe, but an Indian tradition that I wished to be a part of. The process is difficult to explain in written words and pretty much useless. Again this is one of those recipes, where one must be in the kitchen next to the cook, to know what they are talking about. One really needs a visual experience to understand the recipe..
Prepare dough by gradually adding and mixing hot water. After a rest period of 10 to 15 minutes, the dough is kneaded using press and fold method and divided into lemon sized balls. Then, using palm of the right hand, on a flat board, the dough is spread into flat, thin round. The method description sounded very  easy, but…………don’t know why?
I have never been successful with sorghum roties though. For all other roties , yes, but sorghum roties  always come out  cracked and fringed edges. I have never known  what that might be, but this time decided to be especially careful when kneading dough for these sorghum roties (see the picture). I love kneading, it makes me feel authentic and strong, and that moment when you feel the dough turn very smooth and know it’s done, it rocks. Whether it was that extra care or just the benefit of experience I don’t know but I’m glad to say  these roties were perfectly round and smooth on edges. Here a shot of these yammy roties.
The shape is a bit peculiar, but it had a good crisp crust about which I am particularly pleased.

THE rule of the thumb to get the healthiest roti is combining the flours. roti’s are one of the best ways of adding in different grains. It's ideal to mix various flours with wheat to get the best of all. Eating only a particular kind of flour can cause deficiencies of specific nutrients. Don't ignore wheat if you are not allergic to it because it is high in folic acid and is also easier to digest than other flours. Refining of the whole wheat grain drains out most of the nutrients and hence mixing other flours can make it more wholesome.
Not to say about roti’s with different grains each day, roti with mix of several grain flour is fairly standard fare in my household.  I always mix flour of different  grains to prepare it to make roti, usually I prefer  a grain a day for each day of a week.  This particular roti was so yum that I have to share.  The combination of flours sort of elevates it beyond ordinary.  If you've never had a multigrain roti at your house you're really missing out.  These roties are delicious and are, apparently, scandalously healthy.
Use your excretion to choose your roti and inculcate your own palate  from above roties only then you will feel that Indian food is really Naturopathic and so good for you.