white color table cloth gives an elegant look to dining area
As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.
Virginia Woolf---
At last i.e last post 2010
Ooooh what a year it was!! I discovered a whole new world…blogging! It’s so great to get inspired by all those creative people that are out there on the net. And through blogging I’ve explored some wonderful ladies. I even got a little bit addicted on blogging and spend way to much time behind my lovely computer!!
Yester week I thoroughly overhauled my house, thinking not to start the new year in a mess. While doing that I came across these yarn balls. I bought them from the famous khan market,Delhi
These yarns would be lovely for making birds. I made one using the pattern here. She’s a cheerful bird that loves to have some family. so I’m going to make her some in the times to come!
At last this will be my last post for this year।
Happy New Year!