Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Make use of rags in your house

Chunnies, duppatas, and saris can be transfered to beautiful coasters

Here is the method to follow:

closer view.... braid is stitched flat ways

all are same to made....protecting table-top

they absorb unnecessary voice made by the speaker's tune with table top

Cut the chunnies/duppataas/saris (the older ones) into strips about 15 cm. ( 6" ) wide. There is no need to hide raw edges of chunni material. Take three stripes of different colours of chunnies as plait them together closely and evenly, just as hair is plaited. As soon as 1 ft. or more of the plaiting is finished, the sewing together is begun. A rug as is here illustrated in Figure-I is made by stitching the plaits together round and round until they form an oval. The plaits may either sewn flat or edgeways, whichever is preferred. The sewing is done with strong, waxed threads .

When making an oval rug, begin with an long shaped centre, and wound the braid round and round across the c e n t r e, edge to edge, and needle passed through and through in close, invisible stitches. A little practice is required to make the braid lie flat. If too tightly wound it will buckle, but it must not be too loosely done, or the work will look rough.

A dark centre usually looks well with outer rings of light and dark alternately. As the end of each strip of chunni is reached, sandwich the new stripe in between the previous strip about two inches above the end point of the edge. It is just as well if the strips are uneven in length, as then the joins will not come all in one place ; but this, of course, must happen when introducing a fresh colour, and then the join must be neat. When the coaster is large enough, turn in the raw edges at the end of the plait and sew them firmly to the adjoining plaited edge.

This is the easer way to protect your table tops from heat or cold and the unwanted spots too!

Have fun!

What’s your philosophy in Life?


While studying my B.Sc. in Home Science in 1st year, the subject expert for the course Home-Management was not available in our University College. So the subject was taught by the teacher of Extention major. Almost whole class was awarded F grade. Reason the even the first chapter that contained the concept of philosophy, value and standard, the concept was not clear for all of us….. the book for the course was Home Management by Nickle and Dorsy!

Philosophy here…..

Here's a fun quiz!

For me….

You scored as utilitarianism. Your life is guided by the principles of Utilitarianism: You seek the greatest good for the greatest number.

“The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.”
--Jeremy Bentham

“Whenever the general disposition of the people is such, that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not dwell on, or concern himself for, his share of the general interest, in such a state of things, good government is impossible.”
--John Stuart Mill

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page.
Utilitarianismcreated with

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Green living mantra

Some of the articles displayed......

isn't it

Recycling has always been important to me (even before it became “trendy”! I still remember it was in 80’s that poly bags isn’t appeared in Hisar city, I got a yellow poly bag with my purchase from kumar store in Hisar, and then each poly bag was stored and I made yarn out of them and crocheted a rug, very beautiful one! ).

Regarding my ward-robe, I have always off loaded clothes/ stuff to charity (bagful to garbage collectors, and Krishan Parnami Ashram at village Kamari, some-time woolen stuffs to the baggars in winter).

Rag rug

fabric yarn/strings woven with Dhera

Some times there are things I cannot give away or are too damaged , rough or worn…. these go in

my rag pile… once in a year or two I get out my

serger and my rotary cutter and make tri layer rags with nice serged edges… I haven’t bought tablemats/coasters/ door-mats/ bed-side-mats in over several years.

Some time, I cut out beautiful fabric pieces from the dresses, and give them to biggners( who couldn’t afford new purchases for practice) at sewing in our NGO’s sewing school.

Its very fun!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

On the hooks…

Leisuraly I am on the hooks today... I have a baby blanket that probably has as many stitches as compared to a garment ! It's going so slowly...but it should be worth it! Usually

On the hooks today... I have a garment (sweater for my maternal uncle who is so tall and huge…) that probably has as many stitches as a blanket! It's going so slowly...but it should be worth it! Also on the hooks, a blanket (for my nice), which will hopefully go much more quickly than the garment. Of course, there are two other projects( small ones, but need attantion, not for leisuring hours ) in various stages of progress, but these are the two that I am pushing to get done asap. I'm also vascillating on whether or not I want to send out a particular submission. I just can't decide. It's one of those things where you hope it gets accepted but at the same time, I'm afraid it will get accepted...then I'll have to do it. LOL.